Their Story Their Voice

Nourish your soul

September 13, 2022 AO Season 1 Episode 9
Nourish your soul
Their Story Their Voice
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And I had no idea how to live a fulfilling life. So I was getting more and more desperate. And also while I was at Harvard, I was doing research on eating disordered behavior. And meanwhile, I myself was getting sicker and sicker in that way. And my behaviors were getting more and more bizarre.


Welcome to another website of ChatAholic. This episode, I am speaking to Bracha who is going to tell me about her journey. Her story and. What led her to becoming. A children's author. Hi, Bracha. Thank you so much for. Agreeing to do this. Would you be able to tell me a little bit about you. Whatever you are comfortable sharing. Anything at all?


Okay, wonderful. So my name is Bracha Getz and I'm the author of 40 books that help children's souls to shine. And that's what they all have in common, even though they're very different kind of books. And then also I'm the author. One memoir for adults. It's a very candid memoir about the struggles that I went through until I found what nourished my hungry soul. That's that's basically what it is. Yeah.


Do you mind starting. At the beginning. What was the inspiration? Behind you wanting to. Share your story. Cause I know what you. Mentioned before when I did some research. You had your own struggles and that is what. Inspired you to see, if you could help the younger generation or at least aid them. On their journey. So if we could start. At your beginning. Because you had previously mention. That there was a time in your life where. You felt lost. So I. Guess I just wanted to know a bit more. About that if that's okay.


Began at age 12, you know, when the body started to change, the hormones kicked in and you have an expanded consciousness. That's when I remember I got an awareness about life and I couldn't believe that what I saw before me was all there was to life. we get up every day to go to work, to make money, to buy food, to work another day, to make money, to buy what's the purpose of all of this, you know, what are we here for? Nobody was explaining that. So I began searching from age 12 on and I looked into different religions. I, I mean, I got involved in social action environmentalism. I got involved with relationships, experimenting with all kinds of things and, and my, my desire to learn more. Eventually I started doing well in school because I love learning knowledge. I was just searching. So then when I started to do well in school, I was able to go to Harvard and I felt like at Harvard is like the pinnacle. So there I'm gonna finally find the wisdom to life, you know? But that's not what happened. I had a great time there. It was awesome. It was also disappointing. So after Harvard, I went on to medical school to become a psychiatrist and here, like I wanted to help people live more fulfilling lives. And I had no idea how to live a fulfilling life. So I was getting more and more desperate. And also while I was at Harvard, I was doing research on eating disordered behavior. And meanwhile, I myself was getting sicker and sicker in that way. And my behaviors were getting more and more bizarre. Like by the time I was in medical school, you know, I was in full blown addiction mode and nobody knew it because what you do in an addiction, you do secretly and people didn't realize how I was suffering. it was a horrible way to live.


At any stage when you were going through this. Did you then think to yourself? Do you know what I actually. Need to seek. Some type of medical. Advice actually go to professional because. Obviously, I'm not okay. And you said you were getting sicker and sicker. And. You were, you were at Harvard. Studying to become a psychiatrist. So, I don't know. I. People may think that if anyone would be able to know there was something that was. Not okay. With them it would've been you.


I had such a good intellectual understanding of what was going on with eating disorder behavior. I was like the expert at Harvard. I was giving classes on it. I wrote books that are still being used in like a women's studies textbooks around, around the world about those behaviors. And that didn't help me then the, the knowledge didn't help because it, that intellectual understanding is not enough. What I think it's hard for people to understand. Is that we are spiritual beings. We, we, we look like we're just physical beings because we're housed. Our spiritual essence is housed in a physical body, but that is who we are, our real selves, our spiritual beings. So if we don't recognize that and nourish that part of us will always be hungry and unsatisfied and, and, and have this pit that we can't fill a bottomless pit.


The reason I asked about seeking. Advice from a medical. Professional outside of. I don't know, outside of yourself or your colleagues. At Harvard is just because I know. I know of people who've had. Eating disorders and. I know that when they've gone to see. Their GP. They haven't really. Been able to. Really give them the. Advice and the help. To. So sustain, getting better. Long-term I, I don't know if. I will. I like to imagine things have changed now. I'm, I'm going back quite a few years ago. Speaking to the right person. I feel like that makes a difference. If you are lucky enough to find that right person. Who can give you the. Just guidance, just guidance on. What can help you when you are suffering from a disorder?


In medical school, I went to see a psychiatrist. And he was the only person I ever told about every crazy thing I was doing. I mean, I was doing such bizarre behaviors by then. It was the lowest point in my life. And I write about it in my memoir. I actually detail how painful it was. So he, the amazing thing was that the psychiatrist said to me. You know, as painful as what you're going through is I have a feeling this was crazy because while he happened to be Japanese, you know, he wasn't of a Jewish background, but he said to me, I think when you go to Israel this summer, I think you're gonna find what you're looking for spiritually. And I think that's gonna be what you need. I couldn't believe it. It was amazing to hear him say that. And I don't know what I expressed that he was able to see through all my addictive behaviors and actually understand. He seemed to have a sense that there was something I was seeking spiritually that was missing more than anything else. And he, he was right.


Because, although you are Jewish, you didn't grow up in a religious household. Which is why you were, have mentioned that you were, you were searching for. Something and you weren't sure. What you were searching for?


the summer in between my first and second year of medical school, I had a six week break. I went to Israel that summer. And I didn't come back for 10 years.


So it wasn't until you went to Israel that you. Found what you had been searching for?


I found what I was looking for that summer after 10 years of searching and it changed my life. So I went on a very different course, a course of filling up on spiritual wisdom, the wisdom that I was really hungry for. So the memoir is about. why? When I finally got the wisdom, the nourishment that my soul was craving, why was there no longer a need for the food addictions? I discovered the heritage that had been thrown away, but what I also learned is that. The purpose of life. And that's what I was searching for the purpose of life. What I heard from this rabbi that summer he's no longer alive is to experience the greatest pleasure possible. And that sounds crazy. That sounds hedonistic. What does that mean? But what is the greatest pleasure? The greatest pleasure is spiritual pleasures. Those are the lasting pleasures and he spoke about, he spoke about the pleasure ladder. there there's five levels to the pleasure ladder. The five levels correspond to the five levels of the human soul and that's universal. So we all have these five levels. And, and I realized just recently that they also correspond to the five fingers because. These five levels of pleasure. they're totally empowering. We can bring them into our lives at any moment. They're within our grasp. They're right here and the lowest level are all the natural physical pleasures. So it's the pleasure. That's in all the natural foods like they're designed to bring us pleasure. It could have been that we didn't need any food. It could have been that. We just took a pill every day, a tasteless pill, but no, they're, they're designed to bring us the optimum pleasure. I I'd love to give the example of an orange it's it's green. it's camouflaged in with the leaves until it's ripe and then it calls to us. I'm ready. It's it turns bright, beautiful orange.


Because I'm feel like I mentioned this on nearly every episode. I really believe in spirituality. And. That doesn't to me come in a form of any particular religion. And speaking to you, you are not, you are not. Saying, you're not really talking about religion. Per se you are actually talking about spirituality. Which I just find. Extremely interesting because i'm a big believer that our mental health is definitely linked to our physical health.


And that's what I'm loving to share now, because I think it applies to everybody. We, we, we have been emptiness within, we try to fill it with physical things, but it's really a spiritual hall. And when we recognize that, then we are able to really thrive in life by giving ourselves the spiritual nourishment that we need as much as we need physical nourishment, every single day.


Like I said, even though I. Have no particular religion that I follow. I am very. Into mindfulness. So one of the things that I focus. On, and I try and focus on. Is being grateful, being grateful for the smallest things. Even if I. Am not having the best day. I will always remind myself. I have a good life and be thankful for the things I have. I'm not saying this is for everyone because I know people the. Ask me, does this really work for you? But for me, it, it does work. I find being grateful for the things that. I'm lucky to have. It really does help me.


Living a life of gratitude is what fills up our hungry soul it's it's. And this is universal. It's not particular to any religion, although in my religion, All day long, we have gratitude practices and it's not like I didn't know about this. I was born Jewish, but again, not a practicing Jew. How we get to every level on this pleasure ladder, there's just one price to pay in order to climb each rung. And that is gratitude. Gratitude is what gets us, brings us joy in life because we, then we were appreciating what we have. so now from the morning till I go to sleep the whole day, I'm saying blessings, which are gratitude exercises to remind me. Even after we go to the bathroom, we say a blessing, just expressing gratitude that our bodies are working. Right. It's all about not taking things for granted. You know, before I drink water, after I drink the water, there's a blessing I make. It's all about. It's about te it's a, yeah, it's about teaching ourselves, reminding ourselves. That it's not, of course there's a source. There is, we are being treated with loving kindness and ultimate wisdom every moment. And we don't re we don't realize it. We take things for granted.


We do. We definitely do take it for granted because. Not everyone gets to. Get up the next day, not everyone gets to. Be able to. Experience the fresh air. Or to stand on their feet. Or to be able to put a glass of. Water. Something that we think is so simple, like taking a glass of water. Not everyone has that luxury. At some stage, did you then realize that. This needed to be taught to children, children needed to. Because I feel like if we are introducing them to a certain things at a young age, Then it just becomes a way of life for them. It's easier. So is this why you then went on. To Write the books for children. So they can learn from a young age that. What we eat. Actually is connected to how we feel.


I write the books I wished I had as a child and it, it, it doesn't really matter what religion a person is. It's not really about that. What I learned that summer, we've gone away. recognizing that we're spiritual beings. We have to come back to this. It's it's, it's, it's the most simplest joy, but we make things complicated. That's why I write children's book. I like to take complicated ideas and simplify them. Just provide. The most basic facts for people so they can absorb them readily. That's it? We, we we've gone away, but that's really what we're here for to experience the greatest pleasure possible is what also to do meaningful things. That's the, that's the middle level up. The next level is love. Love. It's not dependent on anybody. That's amazing. It's it's when we. Focus on the virtues of another, we can bring love into our lives at any moment. So a person, a person in prison can focus on what a grandmother once did for them. And they are filled with a warm, emotional feeling of love. So it's not dependent. It's not waiting by the phone for someone to call you. No, it's you, you can bring love into your life at any moment. So we. You'll bring in the pleasures from physical things. Then another being now, moving out, doing something meaningful, giving back to the world and. That's why it fills us with such joy to spread these kind of messages in the world. And that's what we're here for to make it clear. What's really important in life. doing something good and meaningful is an even greater pleasure than the physical pleasures or love than there's meaning. And what's even higher than that. When you put a unique part of yourself into the world, you, you get into a zone where you don't feel like eating or sleeping. You're on such a high when you are being creative. And the highest pleasure of all is transcended. That is when we make a crack in a bad habit, we do something differently, new that we've never tried before something good. It's we transcend our own limitations and we also transcend the limitations between us. We see how we're all connected because really my soul is a part of your soul. Your soul is a part of my soul. We are all, there's no distinction. Really the souls are all connected. The bodies are separate. That we're housed in, but we are all part of the same soul it's like, and we're all connected to the same source energy. Under a starry sky, it stays with you forever. That feeling that, you know, you're a part of this greater great universe, you know, so. This gave me the roadmap for life that I'm enjoying sharing, because it changed everything for me to understand. There really are clear instructions for living about what brings us joy in life


the meditation app that I listen to one of the meditations on it. Is, he basically tells you to just appreciate how. Effortless. This is how it doesn't how it. Requires no effort at all.


Well, it does use your brain power. That's the thing. It's joyful for your brain. Exactly. We, it, when, what they say is when neurons. Fire together, they wire together. So the more that we have experiences of gratitude, we create more wiring that helps us be more grateful. It's so much like a muscle when you create the blood vessels in the muscle and it becomes easier and easier to use it. We create these pathways and we've learned that there's neuroplasticity of our brains when we create these pathways. then it becomes easier and easier to live a more joyful life to live with gratitude. And then there's no need for the addictions anymore because we are so grateful for what we have addictions come from a feeling of lacking a feeling of scarcity. When you start to live in a world of abundance, it changes everything. You don't have to, you don't feel the reason we stuff our faces is because we want the pleasure that we are experiencing to keep lasting. Now we've just learned there's so many other ways to keep pleasure, lasting more lasting pleasures. So let's say you feel like over eating. you, you say, is it my body that's hungry or my soul? And you can open a window. You can let the breeze in, let feel the sunshine on your face. You can mindfully eat a. Juicy orange. You can turn on music, start dancing, stretching. You can text a friend and just leave a message about what you appreciate about them. I, if any of these things, if you do them suddenly. The bag of potato chips is stops calling your name, just like that. It's amazing. It's it's not calling you in the same way because you have filled the emptiness.


In the UK, in the United Kingdom, there's a website called mind. It's a charity that deals with. Mental health issues and. They talk about there's a page on there that talks about eating disorders. And one person left a testimonial saying I will keep eating. I will keep eating and I don't know why, because. I'm not actually hungry. And. Reading. It made me a little bit sad and I thought how many people are going through this and don't actually realize that this is actually linked to their mental health. This is actually. A disorder.


Absolutely. There's a show called my 600 pound life and the people on it all say the same thing. Food is the only pleasure I was still getting in life. That's it? That's the only thing bringing me pleasure. So they're stuck there because it does bring immediate pleasure, but they're. There are so many other ways to bring pleasure into one's life. That's it. When a person is searching for sweetness in their life. So they'll just keep eating sweets, but they really want sweetness. It's not the sweets that they need. apples too, they turn bright, bright. They turn these bright, beautiful colors to draw us in with pleasure. And then. They're the filled with juiciness. It lasts for months, the peel keeps the juiciness in and then you get to the seeds. The seeds are the seeds of eternity. They, they turn into a tree, they turn into infinite numbers of oranges. They're designed with ultimate wisdom and ultimate loving kindness. So there's the natural foods there's being in nature. There's music, there's movement, there's exercise, dance. These are the natural physical pleasures and they nourish our bodies and our souls are so the lowest level of the soul that is connected to the body.


I love the way you take it back to basics, which obviously is needed because they are books for children, but even as an adult, I U. I'm quite liking it, being taken back to basics for me. And focusing on. On the earth. Because, yes. Really. there is enough natural nutrients. In the earth. Not the ones, the supermarkets. Are doing whatever they are doing to them. In the United Kingdom, the government published a report, published a report in. 2021 April last which is on their website regarding childhood obesity being on the the increase. I don't have statistics for anywhere else in the world, such as America. But if we known this that obesity in children is on the increase. why when you watch TV. are there adverts that come on that promote. McDonald's KFC. Deliveroo at which in the UK is a what is Deliveroo. fast food. You can order from. Various restaurants. And get it delivered to you. And this is promoted during prime time, prime time TV, where most people with their children are watching TV.


I compare this to like an orange flavored tangy taffy where it's it's it's designed you know, the rapper, it just pollutes the environment. It doesn't do anything good for us. Like, junk food is designed to be delicious and addictive, and the natural foods are designed to be delicious and nutritious. We were put inside this most amazing garden. but we've gone out of the garden. We're all struggling. There's all challenges for us. Every time we overcome a challenge, it's the most, it's the greatest pleasure. This is what we are here for to overcome greed, overcome selfishness. I mean, that's what these, the companies are all about. They're just about greed. They're not about loving kindness. They're. They're now polluting children. Now, children, little children are getting type two diabetes. They never got that before. All the things that are spreading among children, the cancers it's it's, it's so unfortunate and you know, obesity like 73% of the in the United States, people are overweight. It's that's, that's crazy. It's spreading, it's such an epidemic. All these things. It's it's, it's, we've gone far away from the garden. We've gone away. recognizing that we're spiritual beings. We have to come back to this. It's it's, it's, it's the most simplest joy, but we make things complicated. That's why I write children's book. I like to take complicated ideas and simplify them. Just provide. The most basic facts for people so they can absorb them readily. I believe there's not enough recognition. that we are spiritual beings in need of spiritual nourishment. I think there's a, there's a great lack of that understanding and it's so needed. I, I was working for years as the coordinating a big brother, big sister program here, you know, helping with mentorships for children. And at one point somebody came in and said, who thinks that addictions are based on physical causes, emotional causes or spiritual causes And the interesting thing is that I was the only person that stood in the corner for spiritual, you know, everybody said emotional or physical, and you had to go to a certain corner about what you believe, My thesis is that there's a spiritual basis to all addictions and even Wayne, Wayne Dyer, you know he's no longer with us, but he wrote there's a spiritual solution to every problem. And I, I totally hold by that. That's at the essence of what's going on. We, we need to recognize that every person is in need. And what, what brings spiritual nourishment gratitude? Do you know what I mean? So I, I didn't know about these things.


you've written, I believe 41 books to date. Could you just. Tell me without obviously giving. Each book away but what are some of the things that you teach in your books?


Some of my books are about the prevention of abuse. It's so essential. Cuz like I've said it puts layers of protection. On top of that soul, it clus the light. It put clouds of darkness on top, but they can be removed. The light can shine again in every single person. if a person has been through trauma in childhood or neglect, they have put on so many layers of protection that they can't even connect. These are all levels to connect that bring us that bring light into our life. The light can't even get through to nourish a person's soul. If they've been through trauma in childhood, you know, intense trauma, they are, they need protection. Instead of connection, connection is too dangerous because they've been deeply hurt. So for people that have suffered in that way and they develop addictions, then in addition to nourishing their hungry souls, They also need therapeutic intervention to help remove those layers, to let the life get through and to be able to shine out again, because even the nourishment can't get through, unless they get support enough support and therapeutic help to remove all those layers of protection. But at the same time that that they are getting the therapeutic help. They also need the nourishment.


Because you can't have one without the other really.


So it's both things are needed at the same time to nourish exactly. To nourish our hungry souls and when necessary to get therapeutic intervention as well. because of my interest in public health, some of my books are about. Swimming safely. I mean it saves lives. Yeah. And then let's stay healthy is my newest book, because again, explaining to children the why, why is junk food bad for us? It takes out, absolutely takes out the nutrients from our wonderful bodies. It's amazing in the book, I explain why exercise is so good, you know Why our bodies are designed to move, you know, and even why sleep is good for us, because who wants to go to sleep when you're a child, you know, you wanna stay up and, but it, it, I explained it, it gives you more energy, more joy the next day you do an experiment on yourself and you'll see, it's like, there is so much, this is just about the physical body, because if we take good care of our physical bodies, That helps our souls to shine as well. And then, you know, I have books about just basically spiritual concepts, like the invisible book. It's about all the things we believe in that are invisible. There's gravity. There's time. There's feelings. There's thoughts. There's so much we believe in because we see the effects of them. And I explain to children the same thing with our souls. We are invisible. We are invisible spiritual beings. We're just clothed in these physical bodies to interact in this world in order to bring out we're here in this world for a temporary time to bring out the sparks of spirituality that are, are, is present in everything. how does nature talk to us? What are the messages coming from nature Shems candy store is what messages do we learn from the fruits and vegetables? They they're amazingly designed to, to teach us incredible messages. I have one here, like this Walnut. There's a Walnut. it it's darkly colored. It's not brightly colored. Like I talked about the fruit, you know, cause you should not bite into it. You have to open it with a Nutcracker and a potato. It's not brightly colored. No, you should first cook it before you eat it. But the brightly colored things enjoy them right away and, and you see certain. Like a Walnut, it looks like what it's good for, especially good for it. Actually, the, the instructions are written on them. It looks like a tiny brain, a Walnut, you know?. This is, I put this in my books and a carrot. If you slice it, what do you see inside that carrot? It's an eye. If you look at it, you'll see an eye. It's an So similar to the way an eye looks. Yeah. It's really amazing.


What feedback do you get from parents? Because I imagine that you probably get quite lots of feedback. Positive feedback


Well, a lot of, you know, the most popular book of all my books, there's one of the abuse books it's in over 130,000 homes. Now it's like it's affected so many children. that like parents call me, you save my child's life. You know, they learn about these things. They learn what to watch out for how to protect themselves, how to report. If they have been abused and they didn't even realize they were abused. You know, these are things that come out, cuz it's hard. Sometimes for parents to open up the discussion with children, the books make it easy for the parents to discuss these things with the children. And oh, I one book, one of my books let's appreciate everyone is about disabilities because children with disabilities are usually the, the loneliest children of all. They don't get invited to parties or play dates. And it teaches like basic stuff. Like when you see usually a child sees a child with a visible disability, they stare.


That makes sense because children, their children, they're still, they still learning. So they see different and they don't always know. What different means what different is? So. Yeah, you're right. That first reaction. Because they're curious. Is to stare not knowing the. Actually. Stirrings not very kind


Exactly exactly. And that makes sense, cuz they're curious, there's another. And there's another five letter word that also begins with S and that's smile. If you add your smile, even if you're staring and you smile, you create a connection. from your heart to their heart that's what's needed. And I just explained basic guidelines because children just don't know what to do. Nobody ever explained it to them. So yeah, that, that's what the book is about. So that's, this is what I love doing and it, when I help other souls to shine, it helps my soul to shine. So I just, obviously I love doing it. My pleasure. And, and the young people inside of us too, our souls, they never age, only our bodies. So our souls are as vibrant as they ever were. And as resilient, if a person's gone through trauma, There's a, a pure part of the soul that could never have been touched by that trauma.


people who are interested in buying the books for. Children. And also your book that you wrote. Where would people find that. So if i can get that detail from you and then i will just put it into the show notes i've got some other information on the show notes but i'd like to include that in also


my children created this website gets and. they're in bookstores too, but that's the easiest way. And it's the most helpful to my children. If people go there and they see everything there in one spot.


Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me. And thank you for. I feel like I got a. condensed mindfulness session. And healthy eating session. And I've also come out more educated. And more aware, which is great so thank you


Thank you so, so much. thank you.


There was some guests that I speak to. And. They have a certain energy. I said this about another guest that I had. And Bracha was the same. She was just so enthusiastic. About everything that she was discussing. And that was lovely. And I really hope when you're listening to this her enthusiasm comes through. I hope maybe by listening to it. I don't know. It makes you feel a little bit. Lighter. I felt later after speaking to her. That's what i hope so thank you for listening. Any who my next episode, I'm going to another place that I'm not sure I've been, yet. Have I been to Canada. I kind of went a little bit to Canada with my hair journey. With my niece, but my next episode, I'll be speaking to Denise regarding her journey. Thank you. See you soon

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